Category 20 things

20 Things Finale

So I’m now officially twenty and two days. Whoah.  Well here’s the final list: 1. Meet someone 2. Smoke a cigar 3. Travel somewhere I haven’t been 4. Learn how to sew (I don’t know that I’ll remember it) 5. Practice more guitar (old guitar, bad sound=no…

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20 Thing Update

 20 Things Updated 4. Learn how to sew (I don’t know that I’ll remember it) 5. Practice more guitar (old guitar, bad sound=no go) 7. Watch Pride and Prejudice twice in one day (I’ve actually done this already)  20. Sing…

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Fitness Friday

OKAY, because I really need to get my butt back into a routine, I’m doing this link up from Frikken Duckie.  I think this is a great idea to inspire each other. If I want to accomplish my 20 Things I…

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