Something’s Gotta Give

Health and Weight Loss I sometimes open my drafts to see what I had started writing in the past but never finished, and I almost always find something that I still have feelings about. Reading words I wrote seven years…
Health and Weight Loss I sometimes open my drafts to see what I had started writing in the past but never finished, and I almost always find something that I still have feelings about. Reading words I wrote seven years…
Surprise! I’ve been unemployed for two weeks. Long story short, I realized towards the end of last year, that I had become complacent. I was listening to all these great podcasts and the common theme between them was that “limiting…
currently loving: All of my favorite podcasts, like Art Juice, Gary Vee, and Dave Ramsey, are getting me through my work days lately. I have been extra productive and on top of things. currently reading: I almost finished reading My…