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Summer Has Fired Up

So, it is July 5th, and summer has most definitely begun. I got a job at the pool this summer and have been vacuuming and cleaning the heck out of my days. I have been getting some great reading time…

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The Apocalypse

This is the coolest house I’ve ever seen. Ever!! Maximum security for sure. I wouldn’t be surprised if the US military couldn’t get into it ;). Haha. But seriously I want to be friends with these people during a…

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Link Attackkk!!

Severus Snape Aka Alan Rickman I’m definitely crying when I see this movie  :`( I am reading Ron Paul’s Liberty Defined right now, not exactly an obsession grabber, but it is interesting. I can’t wait to finish it though and make…

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Novels gone Film

I’m definitely going to cry during this film. This is so awesome. Snape why do I love you so much? The latest info from The Hunger Games. I loved Donald Sutherland in Pride and Prejudice; it will be…

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