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Ummmm? Captain America

Why did I not immediately sit to write my thoughts and opinions of Captain America: The First Avenger? Who knows, but let me tell you, I loved it! I’m so intensely pumped about the Marvel Movie Universe, that I am…

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To and From

I have been really busy this week. My cousin was here from VA, and my sister and I had to drive to and from Chambersburg twice to get her to and from VA. It was cool to stop by my…

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I’m trying this

How to do this; 1. Paint your nails any colour you’d like & LET THEM DRY. 2. You will need rubbing alcohol & newspaper 3. Cut out a little section of the newspaper & place it on your nail 4.…

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Summer has been passing by so quickly! I have been working my butt off at the pool, earning some money to buy a car and pay for school this semester. However, I did manage to go see Deathly Hallows Part…

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