Ummmm? Captain America

Why did I not immediately sit to write my thoughts and opinions of Captain America: The First Avenger? Who knows, but let me tell you, I loved it! I’m so intensely pumped about the Marvel Movie Universe, that I am shocked at how much of a nerd I am growing into. The day before I went to see the movie (which wasn’t preconceived), I started to watch The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes on Netflix. I got through all of their beginnings, so when the movie started, I was following along pretty well. The added love interest in the movie was really great; it pulls at your heartstrings at the end.

What I really geek out about, though, is the little plugs in each of the Avenger movies for a following Avenger, Ironman 2: Captain America tidbit and Thor scene, Thor: Potentially an Avengers/Captain America scene, and now Captain America: The Avengers trailer. After seeing these sort of things, I become ecstatic.
Now, I must watch another episode of the Avengers.