Inadequacy…I mean BRACELETS!
You know that post that just seems too personal? I’m talking about the one that you can’t seem to press submit/enter for but just delete either. Well this isn’t that post. That entry is in my head lurking around. It’s…
You know that post that just seems too personal? I’m talking about the one that you can’t seem to press submit/enter for but just delete either. Well this isn’t that post. That entry is in my head lurking around. It’s…
This is my “I am tired of moving” face! This was only after packing my car. I hate moving. Then I had to move everything into my summer housing. It wasn’t like I got to have my long drive home…
I keep thinking of blog posts, and then I forget to write them. Oh well. Here is a review for you.Ravens by George Dawes GreenMy rating: 3 of 5 starsAt first, I was very frustrated with the family in this…
I dreamed about Iron-man while napping last Wednesday. I also dreamed about becoming a Vampire on Tuesday. They were fantastic dreams, might I add. I finally watched The Vampire Diaries season finale yesterday and holy cow. Seriously, I was blown away,…
I have an exam to be writing. Whatever I wanted to share this. I might as well do it now. The past couple of nights have been beautiful. The weather has been rainy and humid, but at night, it cools…
I was so excited for this movie. It wasn’t the same as my Hunger Games excitement. More like “I KNOW THIS IS GOING TO BE EPIC AND HAVE SO MANY OF MY FAVORITE PEOPLE IN IT I CAN’T HANDLE IT!”…