Most Recent Blog Posts


I don’t have any idea what I am going to do when I graduate and have to get a job and my own place.  I am wholly excited and kind of ready to just do it, but I have no…

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Can’t sleep

It’s 3:00am my time, and yet I’m writing blog posts.  in fact, this is my third; I’m saving the others for later.  How sly of me! At any rate, I don’t know why, but I cannot sleep!  I might have…

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Fitness Friday

OKAY, because I really need to get my butt back into a routine, I’m doing this link up from Frikken Duckie.  I think this is a great idea to inspire each other. If I want to accomplish my 20 Things I…

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Visiting Home

Hi all,I’ve been home visiting my family, and staying really busy.  This is the first time I’ve been at a computer in three days.  When I’m home I find that I’m not as “obsessed” with the internet as my parents…

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Food in Nawlins

So, this is my post about New Orleans.  Or-lens… Orlins… Or-leeens? Well however you say it, their food is still great! Basically, you gotta have a lot a cash saved up because all you’re going to want to do is…

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