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Fitness Friday

FITNESS FRIDAY This week I ran and did yoga on Monday.The hardest part was taking my dog with me and having really sore shins.My greatest accomplishment this week was that I worked out when I had a day off from work (since my…

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DIY Sunday

Last weekend was very busy. We were like worker bees. Not even joking.   My sister left for Nashville to nanny for our aunt and uncle, and I started my summer job.  We also moved rooms around in our house…

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Friday Finds

I’ve been collecting things to share this Friday, and even though I have a dozen other post ideas in my head, I’m going with this one.  Fitness Friday would be sort of pointless because I haven’t stepped up lately.  I’ve…

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Tea Time

Who would have thought that I’d be a tea person?  Not me.  I was just starting to get used to the nastiness that is coffee at the end of spring semester.  I never needed coffee in high school, but desperate…

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