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Humpty Dumpty

It’s Wednesday.  HAPPY HUMP DAY! My weeks have been insane, and my weekends are not weekends at all but week continuations.  College is the worst.  There is no work day or free time, no, just work, class, homework, practice, homework,…

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Color Palette?

I was watching The Blind Side on abcfamily and Mama Tuohy said something that caught my ear.  She says she would never wear Tennessee’s colors because they aren’t on her color palette.  Well this got me wondering about my color palette.  …

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PF Flyers

I was at work the other day when I heard my supervisor say “PF Flyers, making you run faster and jump higher!”   (via) All I could think of was Smalls voice from The Sandlot saying “PF Flyers” What a…

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Friday Finds

Some thingies! Handcrafted leather bags!   (via) Sublime Art (via) Jason Aldean!…swoon. He’s not very attractive, but his music is oh so lovely and rockin’.

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Currently Reading!

Monique and the Mango Rains: Two Years with a Midwife in Mali I am loving this Anthropology class!  Nothing is better than wanting to read the book assignment in a college course!

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