
Dream One [Background: whenever I get home, I avoid social interaction for like a week. So I was nearing the end of my social hiatus and decided to take some catalogs to some ladies who work at a physical therapy…
Dream One [Background: whenever I get home, I avoid social interaction for like a week. So I was nearing the end of my social hiatus and decided to take some catalogs to some ladies who work at a physical therapy…
I am taking an Art History course this semester, and we started the semester with Paleolithic cave paintings from Lescaux . Beautiful are they not? I love the earthiness and the style, and I sort of want to make my…
Hello blank text box, I am writing a blog post. Isn’t this fun?Tomorrow I leave for school for the last first day of my college career. Scary, exciting, and stressful, words that come to mind at this moment. I despise…
Get it here. Get it here. Get it here. Get it here. lastearth//a girl named leney//causticthreads//lastearth
The day you realize that you are an adult.You get up at 9:00 am on Sunday to go to Mass.Mass makes you feel better than you have all weekend.Afterwards, you go to the grocery store and buy lettuce, carrots, grapes, strawberries,…
I speak aloud when I drive by myself. It just happens. I get about an hour to two hours out, and I just start talking to myself. I get distracted. “What the poop was that?” I drive this route with…