What Adulthood Must Be Like

The day you realize that you are an adult.

You get up at 9:00 am on Sunday to go to Mass.
Mass makes you feel better than you have all weekend.
Afterwards, you go to the grocery store and buy lettuce, carrots, grapes, strawberries, mushrooms, canned corn, Greek yogurt, wheat tortilla wraps, and granola cereal.
You almost put Oreos in the cart but then think,
You put your groceries away when you get home and go to brunch with a friend.
You do your readings then go to choir rehearsal. Then you do more reading.
You make a salad for dinner that looks like this:

And you wear a bib because that Italian dressing will get oil everywhere.
You wash your dishes and put them in the rack.
You check your email.
You go to Yoga.
You come home and read until your too tired to finish the assignment.