Graduated and Home

After a couple of months of nothing but editing and eating broccoli, I finished my yearbook. This year, I felt like I was pulling teeth more than any other year before. 

I was, however, happy to be on my own, cooking, exercising, and making progress on my Netflix queue. It was a good life.
Alas, it’s over now. I am back in the nest, sharing a bedroom and a bed with my baby sister (#6). While it’s nice that someone else is paying the grocery bills, I am very much ready for my own place. 
I have to dig into that job hunt, but having a yard sale and watching home videos all weekend is much more fun.
I am considering making my blog private. This little blog tends to be more of a family and personal record. I think I will be creating a new blog to document my outdoor sporting and small town adventures. We shall see.