Soul Sisters

I have another post I’m working on that had somehow turned into a list of reasons why I love my girlfriends. I knew these reasons deserved their own post. So, here it is.

We proudly holler when our trivia team is announced, even when we have only scored 5 points out of 75. 

We sit under the stars and roast marshmallows on a fire.

We laugh about jokes that we had forgotten. (“Could ya learn to love me?”)
We ask each other if we did the right thing.

(After one too many drinks) we make music videos and act like we are Beyonce’s back up dancers.

We pee in the woods… and occasionally on the lawn.

We fall apart then help each other put ourselves together again.

We text each other at 4am after a wild night… making sure to include all the details that might be forgetten by morning.

We discuss race and “white privilege” in a bar surrounded by middle aged men.

We exercise together but always remind each other that we are awesome, whether or not we are a size 4. 

We write each other letters when we are far away from each other.

We encourage each other to do dumb things (always adding that it’s probably a dumb idea but we need the life experience).

We share our fears and our dreams.

We have conversations without naming names or specifying subjects, and we know exactly who/what we are talking about.

We wear pink on Thursdays, once.

We help each other get over men and smile excitedly when one of us likes someone new. 

We go to the ATM and laugh about “insufficient funds,” proving that life can be funnier than TV.

We acknowledge our shortcomings and discuss them. 

We eat pizza at midnight.

We discuss our types and try to make sense of an inclination towards “shit heads who aren’t exactly assholes.”

We debate going to visit our high school teachers.

We spend too much at the bar and pour money into the jukebox.

We wear costumes to the drive-in.
We hold our heads high in front of those who treated us poorly.

We sing aloud to the the songs we like, whether we are in public or not, AND WE HARMONIZE. 

We love each other, and we make sure to say it.

I could think of more. I probably will.