Twenty minutes and a fanciful GIF

Is it bad that when I realized I had twenty mintues to spare before going to Mass tonight (and then starting my nine page rally to this semester’s finish line), I jumped off my bed and thought to myself “that’s enough time to write a blog post?” 

So I know I don’t have any followers or anything, but I have let six blog post drafts accumulate and have not been able to justify finishing any of them because of finals.  So look out for a bunch of very thoughtful posts coming your way soon. 

On that thread, I’ve been debating buying some ad space on other blogs.  Is that how people get followers? I don’t know if it is worth the money just to get people to read my odd life musings.  Note to self: remember this post at on getting bloggy followers. 

At any rate, summer is so close (like tomorrow afternoon close) which means, in theory, I will have a lot more time to focus my creative energy on things I like doing (reading, painting, taking photos).  I also can’t wait to get back to working out regularly, having more Scentsy parties, and being in the sun! Oh nine pages, please go by quickly.

Also, here’s a GIF I made. I got this new photo editing app on my phone, and it’s pretty amazing.  I have been making all kinds of artsy fartsy portraits of myself (so sue me).  I made this GIF after realizing that one of the light effects had different variations.  I saved the photo three times and then used Photoscape to animate it.
