Humpty Dumpty

It’s Wednesday.  HAPPY HUMP DAY!
My weeks have been insane, and my weekends are not weekends at all but week continuations.  College is the worst.  There is no work day or free time, no, just work, class, homework, practice, homework, sleep, repeat.  I mean it is my fault because I got really active this semester, but that doesn’t mean it is not tough.  I just keep telling myself that it is good for me.  As a dear friend says, “suffering is good for the soul.”  [love that girl]  I keep offering my work up to God and pray that I’m following his path for me.  

Anyway, I want to share two things with the Blog world today.  

Number One.
I want to learn how to make Sushi.  I got some really good sushi lately, and made me determined to learn how to make it so that I could enjoy it whenever I like.  The last container I got was not as good as the one in this photo, and it was just so sad.
Number Two.
I managed to look cute today!! Success.  I keep telling myself I need to try to look nicer.  I don’t want to lose my own quirky style [if you can call it that], but I am trying harder to not always look like a bum.

I’m so proud of myself. 😛
Enjoy more!