October Apple Harvest

Autumn, you are my favorite season.  To me, everything about you just radiates warmth and comfort.  

This weekend my parents visited me on campus.  They showed up yesterday morning for my rugby game, which I only got about 5 minutes of playing time in, but after that we went to The National Apple Harvest Festival.  This huge harvest themed fest is such a fun experience.  Especially for people like me who love the fall.  Of course, because I’m a poor college student, I can’t afford the awesome arts and crafts goods from the 200 some vendors at this event.  It doesn’t stop me from going though!

Imagine it!  You park your car in a huge field in the middle of apple country.  You ride a school bus through orchards to get to the park. Then you see the thousands of people lining the gravel paths, weaving between vendors.  You smell fresh, homemade applesauce and french fries.

So great.

The amount and range of the types of people there makes for an interesting experience.  There are vendors of so many different crafts and unique handmade items.  I bet I could spend thousands of dollars there, but I was happy with my kettle corn, applesauce, apple cider, pumpkin funnel cake, and a little pumpkin for my room.
Nothing beats the fall season.

After the festival, Mom and Dad took me to dinner and we all got a seafood buffet.  Oh my goodness, I ate so many clams! Totally worth $30 a piece.

Now all I have to do is all my homework for tomorrow, including a 9 question midterm for Anthropology.  Theorists should stop theorizing.
Wish me luck!

Love more, enjoy more.