I was watching The Blind Side on abcfamily and Mama Tuohy said something that caught my ear. She says she would never wear Tennessee’s colors because they aren’t on her color palette. Well this got me wondering about my color palette.
I searched “fashion palettes” and got to this site. After reading around, I found that I am mostly a Soft Autumn. I’m almost a Spring, but mostly Autumn because I have darker features.
My Palette
I am almost neutral in the Gold/Silver test but I lean towards Gold.

The only thing I seem to own in this color palette is olive green!
I’m also noticing that my wardrobe does not consist of a lot of “grown-up” stuff. I don’t have a lot of business tops. So, I’m thinking that eventually I need to up the ante with my appearance. Aaaahhh… growing up. I don’t know why I always buy cheap casual tops; it’s not like I don’t have a gillion t-shirts that I could wear instead. I have to promise my self to not buy any more lame tops.