(Another off my list) BSG just…

…made me cry, laugh, think, smile, and GEEK OUT!

This show is amazing.  Best finale of all time!  Oh my gosh. 
I can’t even begin to explain how emotionally involved I was in this show.  It had everything you could ever ask for.
I found this photo earlier today because toward the last half of the season, this shirt became the most amazing maroon shirt in the world.  Goodness he’s handsome.

This is Lee Adama everyone, and he is an amazing man.  If you want to see more of him a.k.a. Jamie Bamber, click here or here.  Lee’s not only ridiculously attractive; he’s a fantastic character.  One of so many great characters.  The actors are pretty damn amazing too, if you ask me. 
I cannot explain the genius of this series.  Just watch it.  Use your aunt’s Netflix and watch it. I’m sure you’ll like it even if you don’t like Sci-fi.  It gets so good.  Oh my gosh does it get good!  You notice my labels?   They don’t seem related to this post, but THEY ARE! This show has so much to offer about life, love, humanity! Ah!

This show.
Oh lordy.
I cried so much.  I felt bad; my roommate might be freaking out.  If I wasn’t trying to hide my tears from her, I would have cried for the whole episode.  I’m a crier though, so don’t be too alarmed (aaaaand I let my life depend on passionate TV series and movies, but that is BESIDE the point). 
This SHOW.  I can’t even form words. I’m so overwhelmed.
Am I going to be able to sleep? Probably not.  Now all I want to do is watch it again! Not really I mean I do have other things to finish on my list.  Honestly though, oh my gosh, seriously. 
That’s me screaming in text because I can’t in real life because I’m in a dorm, and I’m trying to actually make friends this time.

Another off my list! 🙂 Woohoo
8. Finish the last season of Battlestar Galactica

This post is just me ranting about how great this show is. 

This is probably a useless post for anyone who doesn’t know what I’m talking about.  

After rereading this post, I find it utterly annoying and fangirl-ish.
I don’t care.  I’ll read this post in ten years, and remember sitting in my house on campus typing this after just finishing the series. Aw man, now I’m thinking about ten years from now and wondering about the saying, “All this has happened once before, and all this will happen again.” 
This damn show.
Note: I just looked up this quote, and I found that the line source was Peter Pan! This fan site cites it.  Interesting. 🙂

Oh and yesterday was my Blog birthday! Woohoo, one year of lovin.