Mission: Use Mystery Seeker


I just stumbled upon this site, through Mystery Seeker. I don’t think I will fulfill my mission of “actually winning something from pictions.com,” but it looks like a promising site. I will be wandering to it often though, I am sure.
Also, if you haven’t ever sought a mission using mystery seeker; here is how you do it.
go to http://www.mysteryseeker.com/. It is a search engine powered by Google that searches with key words from your search which they match with previous searches.
In the case of mission seeking, if I typed in ‘Mission: Use Mystery Seeker’ my search would trigger a search where someone also typed in a mission. (You don’t have to type a mission, you could just search mission). In return, my search would hopefully be found by someone who would fulfill the mission I requested. It is a way to pass to pass the time, that is for sure.