You’d Think
You’d think I’d have some fun stuff to write about since it is winter break, but I don’t. I have no motivation to do any projects or finish anything. I have three weeks left until I have to go back.…
You’d think I’d have some fun stuff to write about since it is winter break, but I don’t. I have no motivation to do any projects or finish anything. I have three weeks left until I have to go back.…
It’s not actually an obsession, but I do like them a lot. Somehow, one day a few weeks ago, I found this video while perusing the interwebs (a.k.a. Youtube). I watched most of their videos immediately for 3 Main Reasons:…
Now, I love the things we have today: the vast amounts of information and entertainment, the technology, but I also miss when things were simple, and I hope that one day we can balance the material things with the simple…