Category Thoughts

introducing charlie

This is a Charlie Horse. He’s a Chesapeake Bay Retriever. He’ll be 11 months on January 24th.  Last I knew he was 100lbs. He’s probably more now. I’ve had him for about three and a half weeks. 

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My 2015 #31-40

My 2015 #31-40 31.What purchase turned out to be the best decision ever?I have two for this. Number one: my 2006 Hyundai Tuscon. Great decision even though it’s still not paid for. Thank you student loans.32.What one thing would you…

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My 2015 #21-30

My 2015 #21-30 21.What was your most common mental state this year (e.g. excited, curious, stressed)?The first half of the year, I was a bit depressed. I was driving in the snow in my little green Chevy Cavalier that floated…

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