You’d Think
You’d think I’d have some fun stuff to write about since it is winter break, but I don’t. I have no motivation to do any projects or finish anything. I have three weeks left until I have to go back.…
You’d think I’d have some fun stuff to write about since it is winter break, but I don’t. I have no motivation to do any projects or finish anything. I have three weeks left until I have to go back.…
I finally finished this project!! I have been trying to make it work since Thanksgiving. I had to use 3 programs to get it right, but I think it turned out great for my first time at something like this.…
It’s not actually an obsession, but I do like them a lot. Somehow, one day a few weeks ago, I found this video while perusing the interwebs (a.k.a. Youtube). I watched most of their videos immediately for 3 Main Reasons:…
Now, I love the things we have today: the vast amounts of information and entertainment, the technology, but I also miss when things were simple, and I hope that one day we can balance the material things with the simple…
I’m glad I started this blog even though I have so few followers. I’m taking a class on Food, Culture, and Globalization, and I’m working on my final paper in which I’ve decided to discuss food in Ghana. I’m revisiting…
From the beginning to the end, this trailer was phenomenal. I am so excited that it is true to the ideas of the book. Jennifer Lawrence seems to truly understand Katniss. When she volunteered after Prim’s name is called, I…