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Friday Finds

So this week was pretty much a wreck.  I’m not exactly sure what happened. Anyway, I’ve been living without one for about eight months, and even though I proved I can do it, I really want tame hair again, thanks.…

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20 THINGS TO DO BEFORE I TURN TWENTY I’ve been thinking about these for awhile, and I finally wrote them down. They aren’t in any particular order, and here are the last five. ……. 15. Buy another fish (or two) 16. Write a song…

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Poor choice in pajamas

I really should learn by now that I cannot wear underwear and a t-shirt to bed.  Well, maybe I can, but definitely not when my room is 100 degrees, and I can’t put a blanket over me.  I am still,…

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My Other Half

Awkward situation: last night someone asked me if I had a boyfriend.  Why did this person think it was appropriate to ask me this? I will never know.  She isn’t really a friend, per se (just someone from work); I…

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