Today is April 7

I posted this quote on Facebook today:

“I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” -Jimmy Dean

I found that particular slice of inspiration on this LinkedIn post. I’ve heard it before, but the words resonated with me in my current state.

Between driving two hours a day and the weather, I feel like I have been a drone over the past few months. I stopped going to the gym as often (which I deeply regret because I had been building muscle and feeling great). I hoped to finish a few books, but I’m still struggling to get through the two I am reading. Basically, I needed something new to do in the car during my commute. After reading this post on “The Private Life of a Girl,” I started listening to podcasts. I’m not going to say this decision has changed my life, but I definitely feel them making an impact in my day. 

There are two podcasts that have been impressing me the most. 
1. You University | The Personal Branding Podcast By Michael Peggs
2. This Is Actually Happening By Whit Missildine/

Maybe it’s because of the Easter season, maybe it’s because spring finally arrived, maybe it’s the podcasts, but one thing is sure, I feel inspired and hopeful 

P.S. It’s probably all of the above. 

I had the day off today. I woke up and balanced my bank accounts for last month, finished adding length to my brother’s knit scarf, and tidied up a bit. It felt so good to get stuff done. I went grocery shopping and prepped my lunches for the rest of the week. Hopefully that will push me to get my butt to the gym too.

I even worked on my resume and cover letters for a couple of job applications. 

I also shared this on Facebook, and I thought it should be archived on my blog as well. It’s just that great. 

Lastly, I thought it important to share that Fall Out Boy has been my main boo for the past few weeks. I rediscovered Spotify after I built my new PC (“Surprise!” I built a computer after I won $1000.00), and it has saved me in various ways. Mostly, it means I didn’t spend a hundred bucks on new music. It also brought me back to discovering new music, which I had forgotten how to do while being busy driving to work and visiting the gym so often.