Hump Day For the Win

Well hey!
Forgive my duck face.
Is it obnoxious to write about having a fantastic day? 

Because it is 10:00 PM, and I just got back to my room from a long day of running around.  Amazingly, I feel incredibly fulfilled.  

My classes today went really well, and I “published” so many yearbook pages.  I got two packages today-they weren’t that exciting, but who doesn’t love opening stuff up?  I went to the art building and worked on my painting project and did a little personal sketching.  I went to Bible Study, and read the Bible with some great people. 

Most importantly, the weather is not blistering cold.  Warm breezes just make my day, and walking around campus at dark during the light rain was a delight, truly.  Then, to top it all off, I saw a professor walking his cute little dog, and I got to pet the pup!  Is that not the greatest?  I am so hopeful about this semester.  I think my confidence is returning, and since Rugby is starting tomorrow, I think it can only get better.  


So here’s to spring because I would love to have a fantastic semester 😉
Love more, enjoy more,