Talking in class….or not.

So this semester I have been struggling to participate in a couple of my anthropology classes, and it is nothing new (especially in anthropology).  For some reason, I just don’t care.  Mostly because discussion of anthropology is one huge circle of ridiculousness and stupidity (but that’s another story).  When I do have something to offer, I can’t get it out of my mouth or get too nervous to say it.  I was starting to think I was just an awful student.  

Then an amazing thing happened.  I realized something about myself.  I’m taking a photography class right now, and we have critiques every time a photo is due.  Well guess what?  I was never nervous to say anything in front of that class.  I didn’t get nervous; I didn’t freeze up.  My lips didn’t shake and neither did my legs.   In my other classes whenever I present it takes me a few sentences before the nerves wear off, but not in photography.  I get up there and talk like no one is watching.  

Then, in my English class the other day, the professor called on me unexpectedly, and I sort of got away with an answer.  Then (and I noticed that I have done this before) I answered two more questions throughout the rest of the class period.  I was on a roll.  Apparently, if a professor calls on me in the beginning of class, even if I was not prepared at all, I would prove myself during the rest of the discussion.  

I just hope my grade isn’t altered too much by my horrendous participation marks.  At least I learned something about myself this semester.  I only talk when I feel confident enough in what I’m saying, and that sometimes I just take a little longer to think about my answers sometimes, but I’m not an awful student at all.  

Well maybe I am awful since I’m writing this post instead of writing a paper. Oh well.