Vest thingy

What does one wear with a turtleneck?  I really do not know.
My dilemma is that I tend to buy tight fitting long sleeved shirts rather than sweaters because… well let’s just say I’m chest challenged.  Big sweaters don’t look good on me because I have wide shoulders and hips but a small chest.  You don’t know my frustration!
So I buy tight fitting things because they look like they fit better.  The only thing is that I can’t really wear them alone because well, they are tight fitting.  I’m not comfortable with everything showing so I need something to cover up.
I have this vest cover up that I hardly ever wear because I’m not sure how it looks.
Maybe, I’ll just wear flannels everyday.

What do you think? Is the vest thing weird?
Also, I think I’m developing an appreciation for fun socks.  I bought some cute ones at Old Navy; now, I want more…