
I don’t have any idea what I am going to do when I graduate and have to get a job and my own place.  I am wholly excited and kind of ready to just do it, but I have no idea where else I could live if it wasn’t in my home town. There isn’t a place I’d rather be, unless I had my family close to me.  I’m “supposed” to want to go out into the world and live in the city and do all the normal college age stuff.  Alas, I could care less.  I have that secret desire somewhere inside, but love of my family and having them close overrides it.  It still scares me because all I want to do is settle down, have my own family, and live near my cousins, siblings, and parents.  What if I never broaden my scope?  My youngest sister is five she’s not to young to be an aunt right? Sarcasm. Don’t freak out.  But sometimes that’s how I feel.  A lack of a boyfriend might hinder these thoughts but whatever. I look through these summertime photos, and I can’t help but think about my future. What will I do?
I decorated the cake. Isn’t it perfect? 🙂
I bought my Johnny seven orange balloons and a Happy Birthday! one too.
Eight balloons for the eight year old of course.
I initially intended to only come home for five days.  I wanted to be home for Johnny’s birthday and for traditions with my cousins, but had my car been working properly I would have missed:
1. Swimming with my lovies.
2. Mia’s pre-k graduation.

3. Fishing with my guys on Father’s day.

My siblings love when I’m home as much as I love being home.  How could I ever break away with that much happiness going on? I feel like I probably have written about this before, but I thought these photos would complement my thoughts superbly.
Love more, enjoy more,